The Client: President, Environmental Science Consulting Firm

The Problem

The President of the company received feedback from his staff that they wanted to know where the company was going. They thought the company was lacking a vision and needed strong leadership direction. He knew his organization needed to be developed in some way but didn't really know what that meant, how it would come about, or what kind of skills would be required.

The Solution

"I've learned to recognize the need to exhibit leadership behavior to my staff. My staff needed a leader to follow. I've gained a much greater appreciation that your staff needs leadership and clarity of vision because that ultimately leads to productivity. I focused on our vision and mission to strengthen our corporate identity.

I created clear expectations and implemented specific accountability with my staff. I took our systems to a more organized level. For example, in marketing, we created a system to write proposals more efficiently.

I recognized the need for and value of training, leadership development and OD work."

The Benefits

"I now have the confidence and skills to act as a leader.

The staff morale has improved and they've become more focused and productive. I'm a harmony person and I think the increase in staff morale is linked to profitability. It's linked to staff retention. There has been a real prevention of potential loss of employees due to dissatisfaction. I would have lost them because they're not happy with the job. That's one of my biggest concerns because I don't want staff turnover.

We now have more efficient internal systems."

Barbara's Impact

"Barbara is insightful and very intelligent. She can individualize excellent ideas that are specific to just me.

She quickly assessed the interpersonal dynamic and current stage of OD for my company. She recommended specific action for the staff. I appreciate her very individualized recommendations and her concrete advice.

Barbara helped focus my ideas and move forward in real action. This makes a concrete difference in the operation of our company."

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