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Work-Life Effectiveness for Elite Performance: Individual Coaching

Are you one of the seven in ten workers who has experienced three or more stress related illnesses? You don't have to be.

If you take better care of your organization than you do yourself, your future success may be in jeopardy. You could make smarter choices.

You could feel lighter, be more fulfilled, and be the one in charge of your balance, every day of your life.

Think About It

If you are too stressed or if your work-life balance is precarious or has fallen off the cliff, consider the costs. Try entering some numbers into the following blanks.

The cost of being out of balance at work. $______

How much it's worth to live a longer life. $______

The value of vitality and abundant energy. $______

The value of freedom from limitation. $______

The cost of being out of balance at home. $______

The cost of replacing a cherished relationship. $______

It may not be possible to put a price tag on what matters most. But your return on investment will be unmistakable.

If you want the freedom that comes with greater work-life effectiveness, it's within your reach. Even with the extraordinary demands of leadership or a high impact role, you can take charge of your balance, your health, your life, your future. If not now, when?

How You Can Find Balance

By focusing on your personal power and taking responsibility for all that you want to achieve.

By respecting yourself, your life and your well-being enough to establish structured support and accountability.

By prioritizing and making smart choices as you:

  • Fill in gaps in your self-care, especially eating, sleeping and exercising.
  • Manage relationships and negotiate expectations.
  • Invest in your potential and develop your greatest personal assets.
  • Develop resilience so you can bounce back when things hit the fan.

By mastering essential tools and skills:

  • Recognize and manage stress so life is exciting, not debilitating.
  • Manage your energy resources for sustained performance
  • Develop accountability, not guilt.
  • Make choices you can live with, happily.

With professional support, new skills and innovative tools, you'll find a renewed commitment to your well-being and achieve measurable results.

Coaching is a fast, efficient way to strengthen a foundation of personal excellence that supports your success today and twenty years into the future.

What Happens in Six Months

  • Meet with Barbara twice a month, in the privacy of your office, remotely, or at Barbara's office.
  • Unlimited brief email and phone support between meetings.
  • Review the results of the Work-Life Effectiveness Assessment for Executives and recommendations from your physician.
  • Complimentary Work-Life Effectiveness Assessments for your direct staff, if desired.
  • Focus on how to gain the most traction in achieving your goals, and define achievable action-steps for work and home.
  • Identify and neutralize success inhibitors and unproductive stress patterns.
  • Build energizing new habits that release you to greater freedom.
  • Add-ons: Consultations with nutritionist or personal trainer.

Find Out if This Program is Right for You

Email Barbara or call 206-361-4730. She will be happy to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation meeting to discuss your goals and the details of this program.

Consider the Group Coaching Program

Some people may prefer the group coaching program which is also more affordable.

It will be held virtually, so you can call in from any location. You'll receive powerful and reliable information that will help you find balance in all areas of your life. Barbara will work with individuals during the call, coaching specific issues and answering questions.

This group will be limited to 20 people. So if you're ready to change your life and do it with a select group of people who are committed to greater balance and transformation, be sure to secure your place early. Email or call 206-361-4730 for times, cost and further details.

Expand your Enlightened Edge with these resources!

70 tips to Expand Your Personal Power

12 ways to Lead in a Time of Crisis

16 ways to Prepare for High Impact Conversations

YES! I want these tools

Enlighten Your Reading
The Enlightened Edge Book